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Tips to shop essentials in difficult times.

St Clair Hotel

As the number of Coronavirus cases grow, state and local governments are taking different approaches to limit the spread within the community, ranging from imposed or voluntary quarantines to social distancing.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), suggest to keep in mind that now is not the time to panic; is the time to prepare. 

Most experts agree it's a good idea to have a 14-day supply of essentials on hand so you and your family will be ready should you become sick or need to be quarantined.

Check your house/food/supplies inventory first. Many of us already have a 14-day supply of daily items in our home.

1. Canned and Packaged Goods
  • Oatmeal, granola, granola bars, trail mix 

  • Crackers, pretzels

  • Nuts, nut butters

  • Canned soups, stews, broths

  • Canned fish, beans

  • Pastas and sauces

  • Frozen fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, or sides that can complete a “pantry” meal

  • Frozen pizzas and/or skillet meals

  • Water filters (like Brita), electrolyte drinks if you worry about dehydration

2. Household Goods
  • A reasonable amount of toilet paper, tissues, and/or paper towels

  • Disinfectant cleaners for surfaces 

  • Laundry and dish detergent

  • Toothpaste

  • Diapers, feminine products

  • Pet food, cat litter

  • Can opener, scissors for opening food packages (if needed)

  • Medications—prescriptions or over-the-counter meds for your needs

3. Miscellaneous
  • Board games, puzzles

  • Books, magazines

  • Deck of cards

While you're preparing your shopping list, it's also important to remember how to prevent the spread of any disease in the first place. 

Tips for preventing the spread of disease:
  • Bring disinfectant wipes in your purse or pocket, and wipe down surfaces (like grocery carts and baskets). 

  • Use tissues for sneezing and coughing. If unable to get a tissue, turn your head and cough or sneeze into your shoulder and remember to wash your clothes later.

  • Wash hands before and after shopping, and use hand sanitizer as needed.

Additional tips from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Stay home when you are sick.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.

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